Friday, March 20, 2009

not geraniums

this year we're trying strawberries on the railing. We've had them there about a week and so far they're looking fantastic (it's nice to have a good start). So great, in fact, that I'm planning on going back for more. Naomi suggested we do the next batch with a semi-sandy soil. Apparently that's what strawberries like -- ??? Also, sun and not much wind. I'm not quite sure how they'll do with the not-much-wind part, but we definitely get sun on the porch during the summer.

Monday, March 16, 2009


rununculus...Naomi planted them yesterday. This'll be our first attempt (last year we grew anemones). We soaked the bulbs twice (once last week, once this week!) -- hope that won't be a problem!

woody herbs

The Parsley is left over from last year (we can't seem to kill it). The rosemary is new, as is the thyme! The rosemary we bought a couple of days ago. Last year's rosemary? we didn't water it during the winter. And the same goes for last year's thyme, which was really quite lovely to begin with (as is this one, which we bought at Eleclerc about two weeks ago).

and they're all in a big old pot with the olive tree, which Miriam brought back to life last summer.