Sunday, May 25, 2008

aha! I suspected this! there are actually TWO sprouts that come out of one cilantro seed. maybe, maybe this is why my first batch of cilantro all died - - I thinned them out (uh . . . just like the directions said!) pulled up one of the two (how did I get two seeds in almost every hole? I wondered . . ) that were stuck up next to each other. WELL this time around I actually did some research and found someplace that confirmed my suspicions that there were supposed to be two plants next to one another (you would think that that fact would be more clearly documented)
I'm very, very pleased that my cilantro has grown at least three times as much as my last batch (before they died)

the news on my basil - - uhhhhh . . . it's not basil. they are jonny jump ups - - apparently seeded from the ones I planted (on the other side of the porch) when I was pregnant with Selma. blast! that means the basil (that I planted TWO times!) never came up.

there's no stopping the parsley.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

First bloom!

either yesterday or today, and we're so proud (and there are more to come...). I think we need to plant these earlier next time around. Maybe in the fall, instead of the spring?

Saturday, May 3, 2008


they're amazing! I just wanna.....hug them, 'cause they're such nice grow-ers.


Pretty, huh! I found these two days ago while I was walking to Pamplona. We'll see how long they last. I have my doubts about the blue one -- which is my favorite, of course -- looks kind of delicate, even though suppossedly it's a perennial. I was told I could plant them together in the pot.

And in for a closer look...

These are some of the leftovers from last year. They look surprisingly good! but Naomi found some little bugs on them yesterday, so she's looking into some sort of bug poison. sorry guys.